For assistance in managing the financial aid application process, including the timely receipt of all supporting documentation, please contact Kimberly Cummings, Database Manager/Financial Aid Coordinator.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kimberly Cummings

    Kimberly Cummings 

    Admissions Database Manager/Financial Aid Coordinator
For any additional questions about the financial aid process please contact Madeleine Metzler, Director of Financial Aid and Associate Director of Admissions.

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Madeleine  Metzler

    Madeleine Metzler 

    Director of Financial Aid and Associate Director of Admission
  • Photo of Sheila Hicks-Rotella

    Sheila Hicks-Rotella 

    Director of Enrollment Management
Affording Hackley

Financial Aid

Hackley School’s financial aid program embodies the school’s mission-driven commitment to enroll and support students with financial need, who by virtue of their character, talent, backgrounds, and perspectives enrich the community and its educational environment. Financial aid grants are administered to ensure that all students benefit from the full range of Hackley’s educational program and offerings. 

Our founders believed that meeting different kinds of people creates more opportunities for understanding, inspiration, and wisdom. In that spirit, we seek students who will learn as much from one another’s families as they learn in class. 

At Hackley, the need threshold begins with the first dollar of tuition that stretches a family’s finances beyond manageability; this means we provide tuition support across a wide spectrum of incomes. In 2024-2025, the median annual household income for financial aid recipients is $196,000 (please note that we assess need not just from income, but also from assets, household size, and other factors).

Interested families must submit a financial aid application through Clarity no later than December 15, 2024. The application will ask for information about your household’s income, assets, and expenses. This information will be supported by tax documents, such as the 1040 and W2 and/or 1099.

Clarity allows families to apply to multiple independent schools for financial aid. Please note that Clarity assesses a $60 fee for a family with any number of children submitting information to any number of schools using the platform. Clarity will automatically waive the application fee for families with qualifying income.  

Need-based financial aid is granted at the school’s discretion and takes into account each family’s unique financial situation as demonstrated through the Clarity application. The Financial Aid Committee will only review the file and finalize awards after the financial aid application, including all required documents, is completed and submitted. Financial aid grants are for one year. Families must submit current financial data each year to be considered for a renewal of their financial aid. Click here to see Hackley’s Financial Aid Requirements or to download our “Financial Aid Application Requirements” flyer. 

We welcome and encourage families to inquire about the possibility of need-based aid. Please contact Madeleine B. Metzler, Director of Financial Aid and Associate Director of Admission, at or 914-366-2648 or Kimberly Cummings, Database Manager and Financial Aid Coordinator, at or 914-366-2673 with questions or for more information.

Financial Aid FAQs

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • Who is eligible for need-based tuition assistance?

    • Any family can request need-based financial aid for students in Grades K-12. Hackley’s Financial Aid Committee will calculate each applicant’s demonstrated need based on the information provided in the Clarity financial aid application. Demonstrated need is the calculated difference between the cost of tuition and fees and the amount that a family can be expected to contribute to the cost of a student's education. Grants do not need to be repaid; however, grants cover only a portion of tuition and fees. Families are financially responsible for the remaining tuition and fees, as well as other charges that are not covered by Hackley Extracurricular Support. Please read on for more information about this program.
  • What does Hackley collect to determine financial aid eligibility?

    Any family–new or returning–who wishes to be considered for need-based financial aid must complete and submit a financial aid application through Clarity. Typically, financial aid grants are based on a family's previous year's income. Thus, families applying for the 2025-2026 school year will receive awards based on 2023 tax-year data. In exceptional circumstances, income projections may be taken into account. Families must re-submit an updated application and documents annually to demonstrate eligibility.
  • Who determines financial aid grants? Is the process confidential?

    The Financial Aid Committee determines eligibility. The Committee includes the Director of Financial Aid and representatives from the Admissions and Finance Offices. Hackley safeguards the confidentiality of all financial information supplied by applicants and does not publicly identify recipients of financial aid. Only those persons directly involved in the financial aid process or its administration will review this information.
  • How does the Financial Aid Committee account for non-working parents?

    For families with infants or preschool-age children, a non-working parent does not affect the financial aid calculation; however, if all children in a family are school-aged, income is imputed–meaning some level of income is assumed and added to the family's income–for the non-working parent. The parent or guardian’s ability to work is considered, when applicable.
  • Does Hackley offer merit-based or athletic scholarships?

    No, Hackley offers only need-based financial aid to eligible families with supporting documentation.
  • Does financial aid cover expenses beyond tuition?

    Hackley helps financial aid recipients participate fully in the academic and extracurricular life of the school through Hackley Extracurricular Support, which is an extension of the financial aid program. This program provides limited additional assistance for financial aid recipients to help every student benefit from Hackley’s extensive academic and extracurricular offerings. Support reflects the same percentage of financial aid that a student receives. For instance, a student receiving 50% financial aid could receive $50 towards the cost of a $100 trip.
  • What is covered by Hackley Extracurricular Support?

    Financial aid recipients enjoy reduced rates (equal to the percentage of the financial aid grant) for bookstore purchases, Hackley-sponsored bus transportation, extended day, etc. In addition to the benefits listed above, financial aid recipients are entitled to $800 through the Extracurricular Fund (EC) of approved expenses per student per year to support their participation in activities sponsored by Hackley and led by its faculty and staff.  Approved EC expenses include, but are not limited to:
          • Hackley academic and athletic team trips;
          • Lower and Middle School enrichment clubs;
          • Standardized test preparation and fees;
          • Hackley cultural exchange programs;
          • Hackley Music Institute Fees; and
          • Tutoring (when recommended by a student's current teacher and approved by the division director)
  • Aside from financial aid, what are additional resources that we might consider to cover the cost of tuition?

    Loans and payment plans are also available to assist families with tuition.
    1. Two Installment Payment Plan: Families may opt to pay tuition in two equal installments with half the tuition and fees less 50% of the deposit due mid-July and the remainder of the tuition and fees less 50% of the deposit due mid-November.
    2. Ten-Month Payment Plan: Families may opt to participate in a ten-month payment plan. The first of ten equal payments of tuition and fees less the deposit is due on May 1st. The remainder of the payments are due on the first of each month, with a final due date of February 1st. 
    3. Commercial Loans and Third-Party Scholarships: Some families choose to pursue third-party scholarships or bank loans to finance tuition. 
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