
Parents and families become part of Hackley along with their children as you enter into a lifelong relationship with a welcoming community.
Prospective and Incoming Parents
Hackley parents across generations talk about building close friendships and relationships among the fellow parents they meet as volunteers and as fans on the sidelines, the parents of the friends with whom their children grow and learn. Perhaps because Hackley draws students from so many towns, the school community itself becomes the world we share and make together, supporting each other, sharing wisdom and carpools, looking out for each other’s children and sustaining the commitment to the school’s motto, “United, we help one another.”

The Hackley Parents’ Association (HPA) creates a wide array of programs and events for parents, and is a valuable resource.

We encourage you to explore all the material offered on this website to get to know Hackley and hear from many members of the community.  Current families are also ready and willing to talk to you about their family’s experience, or to help you find your way.  To connect with a Hackley family, click here.

In the spring after the Admissions cycle is complete, incoming families will be introduced to the password-protected Hackley Online community.
Current Parents
The password-protected Hackley Online Community (HOL) offers extensive resources for parents -- from student, family and employee directories to your child’s homework, schedule and report cards.  Click the “Hackley Online” button at the top of this page and bookmark the sign-in page. If you need help obtaining your user name and password, the dynamically generated help link is on that sign-in box. Watch this helpful video to see the process.
Parents of Alumni
Whether you were with us for four years or are “Lifer” parents who made the full 13 year journey with your children, Hackley became part of you. We love to help you stay connected!  Your Hackley Online user name and password continue to give you access to useful information. To receive our newsletters, magazines, and event invitations, contact us.
Grandparents and Friends
Whether you attend your Lower School niece’s Kindergarten concert, your neighbor child’s Middle School Art Show or your grandson’s Varsity Soccer game, you’re a vital part of our students’ world and we welcome you. To receive newsletters, magazines, invitations and other updates, contact us.
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