Application Fee Waivers

If you would like to request a need-based waiver for our admissions application fee or the ISEE/SSAT test, please contact Kimberly Cummings ( in our office. Hackley does not offer a fee waiver for the evaluation fee ($90) required for Kindergarten and 1st-grade applicants.


Applying to Hackley

Financial Aid Requirements

We recognize that applying for financial aid can be a complex process, one that asks families to share information that would typically remain private. We fully acknowledge the potential stress this process may create and strive to do all that we can to keep the process organized and transparent. Our goal is to develop as clear an understanding as possible of your family’s specific circumstances so we can best support your children’s experiences here at Hackley.
We encourage you to review the key application components and deadlines below. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact Madeleine B. Metzler, our Director of Financial Aid and Associate Director of Admissions, at (914) 366-2648 or Kimberly Cummings, our Database Manager and Financial Aid Coordinator, at (914) 366-2673 or

Financial Aid Milestones

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Beginning September 1, 2024

    Prospective Families: If you have not already done so, please indicate that you are interested in the possibility of need-based aid in your inquiry form or your admissions portal. This will ensure that you receive reminders about key financial aid information.

    Returning Families: If you already receive financial aid from Hackley, you will be asked to resubmit current financial documents and a revised application through Clarity. Read on for more information. For current families interested in new financial aid awards, please contact Kimberly Cummings, our Database Manager and Financial Aid Coordinator, at (914) 366-2673 or Madeleine B. Metzler, our Director of Financial Aid and Associate Director of Admissions, at (914) 366-2648 or
  • September 1, 2024 - Clarity Financial Aid Application becomes available 

    Hackley’s financial aid program employs Clarity. Each year, parents complete an online financial aid application. The information provided is put through an objective need-analysis process by Clarity before being reviewed by our confidential Financial Aid Committee to make grant decisions.

    The financial aid application is available through Clarity. We ask that you provide the most thorough and detailed information you can on your application in order to avoid delays in reviewing your file. Hackley financial aid applicants must complete and submit their financial aid application through Clarity no later than December 15, 2024. Clarity will assess a fee of $60 per family for any number of children. Clarity will apply fee waivers automatically for those who meet the income-based qualifications.

    Please note that if an applicant’s parents reside in different households, both parents must complete and submit separate financial aid applications and supporting tax documents.
  • September 26, 2024 - Thursdays on the Hilltop: The Admissions and Financial Aid Application Process at Hackley 

    Please join us for a deep dive into the components of the admissions and financial aid application processes and a Q&A session with Sheila Hicks-Rotella, Director of Enrollment Management, and Madeleine Metzler, Director of Financial Aid. Please note: this event is NOT required as part of Hackley's Financial Aid process.

    If you would like to attend this virtual event you may sign up through your admissions portal. To begin, click here to complete our inquiry form. Once done, you will receive a confirmation email with the login and password information for your Admissions portal account. If you have already completed an inquiry form you can log in here.

    If you have any questions please contact Kimberly Cummings (; 914-366-2673) in our Financial Aid Office.
  • December 15, 2024 – Clarity Application and 2023 W2(s) and/or 1099(s) and Tax Returns Due

    This is the last day to complete and submit your financial aid application, 2023 W2(s) and/or 1099(s), and 2023 Tax Returns. ALL required tax documentation must be submitted directly through Clarity. 

    Tax returns, including all federal forms and schedules, must be submitted through Clarity no later than today. If parents file separately, tax returns from both parents are required.  We will also require a December 2024 pay stub to verify your current income. 

    Parents new to Hackley’s Financial Aid Program who are partners in a business or who own corporations must submit the last two years (2022 and 2023) of business tax returns to Clarity, along with all schedules and attachments. In addition, you must submit the last two years of your personal tax returns (2022 and 2023 federal), including all attachments and schedules. Families continuing in the program need only submit the most recent returns.

    Similarly, parents new to the program whose individual tax return includes a Schedule C (and who are thus classified as sole proprietorships) will need to submit the last two years of individual returns (2022 and 2023 federal), including all attachments and schedules. Families already receiving aid need only submit the most recent returns.

    If the application and required documents are incomplete, the file cannot be reviewed and no decision can be made for any potential award.
We realize that the process and documentation outlined above may not always provide the full context of an applicant family’s full financial condition. The Financial Aid Committee firmly believes that having the most accurate assessment possible of a family’s financial situation is critical to ensuring that the awards we make provide the best possible support for students here at Hackley.

To that end, the Committee reserves the right to request additional information to support any part of your financial aid application that will help further this goal. These supporting documents may include personal narratives, letters of support or attestation from those who know your family, or IRS form 4506 which recalls certified copies of tax document from the IRS directly.

Should the Committee make such a request in support of your application, we ask that you respond in a timely manner with the requested materials. Applications which do not have requested materials cannot be considered for review and adjudication of awards.
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