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  • Photo of David Sykes

    David Sykes 

    Upper School Teacher and Director Hudson Scholars Program


"There is a culture and attitude of hard work, compassion and friendship from all teachers, mentors and Scholars that leaves its mark on you. I am a better person because of Hudson Scholars and because of the impact the Scholars and program has had on me." 
— Peter R. '25

"Hudson Scholars is a program of transformation. Both the Scholars and the mentors enter as themselves but leave as an even better version of who they were — with new thoughts, ideas, relationships and character. Everyone learns to be a leader and impacts the everyday lives of the people surrounding them."
— E.J. R. '24

"There is immense value for every single person involved in Hudson Scholars if they allow themselves to be immersed in the community and family. The program is full of love, support and kindness. I never would have imagined walking in that I'd actually feel like part of this family in the way that I do. ... Everyone benefits from the relationship and bonds formed, and I hope the bonds I've made with the Scholars last me beyond my time at Hackley."
— Sami R. '23


"Hudson Scholars is a family that helps everyone feel included and become better students/people while helping them to challenge themselves at a comfortable pace."
— Juarlin, Hudson Scholar '23

"The Hudson Scholars program is not just a program to me; it's more like a supportive family that pushes you to your limits and guides you when you make mistakes."
— Jameson, Hudson Scholar '25

"My favorite part is the mentors — they make everything a lot more exciting and a lot more fun. Plus they understand that school can be stressful, and so they make sure that we are having the best time and making the most of our summer."
— Julissa, Hudson Scholar, Summers '18 & '19

List of 1 news stories.

  • Praise for Hudson Scholars

    I’m writing as a Hackley parent of the last 13 years, whose daughter became involved with Hudson Scholars last summer. The program is the most significant community service Hackley has offered in my experience, and its potential for creating goodwill with Hackley's neighbors and truly changing the lives of young people cannot be undervalued. Thank you for your initial and continued support of the program.
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    • Hudson Scholars rhythm section

School Life
Community Impact and Collaboration

Hudson Scholars

Hudson Scholars is a transformative, tuition-free enrichment program at Hackley, dedicated to empowering academically promising, low-income middle school students from Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown. The program unites these students (Hudson Scholars) with passionate Hackley teachers and Upper School student mentors for a dynamic summer and academic year experience.
We go beyond preventing summer learning loss — we inspire Scholars through academic excellence, leadership development and character education. Our commitment to relationship-building ensures that each participant receives ongoing support on the Hilltop.

By extending Hackley's educational resources, including high standards, a comprehensive advising system, and a team of dedicated teachers and mentors, Hudson Scholars provides a unique opportunity for academic instruction and the development of character, leadership and social/emotional skills. This program not only transforms the lives of our Scholars but also fosters growth and leadership for our teachers and mentors, embodying Hackley’s core values.


Hudson Scholars began in July 2016 as a two-week pilot program with 16 Scholars and eight Hackley Upper School mentors. The first official summer was summer 2017, when we welcomed another 16 Scholars to the Hilltop, this time for four weeks. Over the course of the following three summers, we added a new cohort each year until summer 2020 (on Zoom), when we had four full cohorts, each with 16 Scholars participating in the program.

Since the start of the program, we’ve also seen a huge increase in Upper School mentor participation. Each summer, we now welcome four cohorts of Hudson Scholars — rising 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th graders — on campus, approximately 80 Upper School mentors and nearly 20 Hackley faculty members from all three divisions. Over the past few summers, we’ve been thrilled to bring back a number of our Scholar alums as mentors.

More Information About Hudson Scholars

List of 5 items.

  • Middle School Years

    Hudson Scholars recruits fifth grade students and their families from the Washington Irving School community who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Upon reviewing student applications, approximately 16 students are invited to join the new cohort and begin their journey as Hudson Scholars.
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  • High School Years

    During the high school years, Hudson Scholars will continue to offer support to the Scholars in a variety of ways.
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  • Upper School Mentors

    A key component of Hudson Scholars is our dedicated Upper School mentors who volunteer their time during the four-week summer session and throughout the school year.
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  • Mentor-Led Clubs

    Mentor-Led Clubs are just one of the many ways in which our mentors take on leadership positions and have the opportunity to share their interests with the middle school Scholars.
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  • Hudson Scholars Return as Mentors

    Over the past few years, an exciting development has been the return of Hudson Scholars alumni to the Hilltop as mentors themselves. Their unique journey from Scholars to mentors adds a valuable perspective to the program.
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From Scholar to Mentor

"I think Hudson Scholars allows the Scholars to explore a deeper understanding of what it means to be a student. You see that being a student is more than just completing homework and showing up at class. You learn what it means to be a leader and an entrepreneur, and you develop a mindset that involves taking initiative.

For the mentors, I think it opens up a lot of people's eyes to different kids who go to school not even 10 minutes away. It opens their minds to the different levels of education that they might not see on a regular basis.

And as for Hackley, I think the Hudson Scholars program means the School is committed to supporting these students not just in the summer but year-round and most likely until they go off to college and beyond. This program is one of the best things that happened to me and for the TUFSD district."

— Emily O., Hudson Scholars Class of 2020, Sleepy Hollow High School '24

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