Upper School

Chapel Talks

Each year, Hackley faculty and staff present brief talks to members of the senior class that offer thoughts on a theme the speaker finds personally meaningful.
Offered with honesty and humility, the topics range from the comical to motivational to deeply moving and personal. A favorite part of senior year, the Chapel Talks give students insight into the humanity of the mentors who have guided them here on the Hilltop, and by extension, into their own.

List of 2 news stories.

  • Serina Fasciano ’22, our first student speaker of the year, delivers her Chapel Talk in Allen Memorial Hall to an audience of 9th and 10th graders.

    Forging Friendships Through Chapel Talks

    By Melissa Stanek ’90, P ’21, ’23, ’30, Upper School History Teacher and Senior Class Dean
    “As I reflect on several years of Chapel Talks,” wrote Andy King, “the various virtues that my colleagues have extolled and promoted are impressive: honesty, resilience, tenacity, courage, perseverance, patience, forgiveness, acceptance, kindness, and many more.”

    In the years since he wrote those words, the Chapel Talks program has further evolved from a platform by which adults in the community share meaningful, personal stories with Upper Schoolers to one that also creates the space for seniors to share their own learned lessons with their younger peers.
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  • Getting ready for a Chapel Talk

    Chapel Talks at Hackley

    By Andy King P '30, Upper School Director
    I am often asked by prospective families as well as current parents and students how Hackley’s Upper School engages in character education. I love being asked about this because the people who care enough to ask are deeply interested in the enterprise of character development and have a clear sense of Hackley’s mission. Hackley’s ambitious mission conspicuously places character ahead of scholarship and accomplishment in that trinity. And though the Upper School does not have a Character Education Department, nor are their course offerings such as “How to Be a Good Person” or “How to Make Sound Decisions,” character education is at the heart of what we do.
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Chapel Talk with Chris Sheppard

Chapel Talk with Vladimir Klimenko

Chapel Talk with Andy King

Chapel Talk with Dr. Richard Robinson

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