Remi Myers ‘24

Remi is studying how the drug Thapsigargin affects the endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle in your cells, as well as how it affects the sleep cycles within flies.

Field of study:
  Cell Bio

Why did you pursue this project?

I decided to pursue this project because of an experience I had with sleep paralysis. Although my initial reaction to sleep paralysis was being scared I was also fascinated by it and wanted to learn more about the brain and its sleep process. As a highschool student I recognize that sleep is often an easy sacrifice to make when it comes to getting school work done and just procrastination in general so understanding the effects of sleep loss is crucial. When I began researching sleep I discovered so many consequences of not getting rough that it further sparked my passion for the topic and when I got the opportunity to work at a sleep lab over the summer I knew I had to investigate this further. 

Tell us about yourself

Other than my love for research and science I love athletics and the arts. I have been playing tennis since I was five years old and played for Hackleys varsity team for four years and captained this year. I am also a competitive dancer. I have been dancing since I was around three years old and dancing is one of my biggest passions as it allows me to express myself in ways words cannot. I love acting and theater and will take any opportunity to put on a show. 

Science research related awards / publications

Westchester Medical College 2nd Place Research Symposium Award, 2020