From The Archives: Founder's Day
Hello from the archives! Last week was a great week on the hilltop. We celebrated Founder’s Day in a new and improved way, using archival materials and information from our history book Where The Seasons Tells Their Story.
Aside from shedding more light on our founder, Frances Hackley, I wanted to see what I could use from the archives as part of the celebration. As you can imagine, Mrs. Hackley’s records are some of the oldest, fragile materials we have in our collection and limited at that. You can read more about my thought process on our
Perspectives Blog.
First, I knew I wanted to give the community an opportunity to interact with the archive. So I scanned a photograph of Mrs. Hackley at a very high resolution and had a lifesize cardboard cut-out made so the students and staff could take photos with her. Not only did people take “selfies” with her, but with the help of my colleagues, we also took her around campus and photographed her in different places. The Head of School’s office, peering out of the chapel doorway, sitting in on a leadership meeting and in the computer lab. With those photos, we had Mrs. Hackley take over our
instagram account.To get everyone excited and show their enthusiasm, I had pins and stickers made for all students and employees that were handed out that morning (stickers were made for our lower schoolers). Lastly, I worked with our Communications Department to create a
video where more scans of the school and Mrs. Hackley were displayed with a special voice over featuring our head of Upper School History Department reading a speech given by a faculty member in the late 1940’s talking about the importance of Founder’s Day, as well as “fun” facts about Mrs. Hackley and the school told by students and faculty members.
Founder’s Day was a great opportunity to use materials in our collection in an interactive way. The cardboard cut-out, video, pins, and stickers reminded everyone of the amazing philanthropist our founder was. This is just the beginning of what I hope will be an annual event. Only two more years and Mrs. Hackley will be 200 years young. Lots to plan!