Hackley Community Kicks Off School Year at Convocation Ceremony

The first week of school is always an exciting time on the Hilltop! This week, we delighted in reconnecting with Hackley families and students, and on Thursday morning, Head of School Charles Franklin, Community Council President Rafael Castro '25 and Associate Head of School Dr. Cyndy Jean formally welcomed the Hackley Community to the academic year at Convocation 2024.

Mr. Franklin had some fun with our Seniors to celebrate our 125th anniversary with a trivia game of "Which came first ...?" Four members of the Class of 2025 were tasked with determining whether Hackley or such inventions as the telephone, airplane, PEZ candy, Tootsie Rolls, teabags and the dishwasher came first.

Community Council President Rafael Castro '25 talked about what Hackley has meant to him, noting that "good people make good places" and conversely, "good places make good people." He encouraged students to make the most of all Hackley has to offer.

In his speech, Mr. Franklin shared his excitement for the year ahead. "Part of the beauty of going to a school that has been around since the end of the 19th century is that while Hackley has evolved in so many great and wonderful ways, we also know that some things remain timeless. One of those for us is the power of human relationships and connection. What has defined Hackley for 125 years has been the way our teachers inspire students, the way students make deep and lifelong friendships with each other, and the way that these formative years on the Hilltop have led to successful and, more importantly, meaningful lives for graduates."

Mr. Franklin also shared a phrase he hopes to hear often around the Hilltop this year: "Why do you think that? Tell me more." As he noted, "Saying this shows the person you're talking to that you are interested in their thinking, that you respect them and their ideas, and that you are open to listening to them. Hopefully they will ask the same question of you, and, all of a sudden, you are in a thoughtful, respect-based, civil dialogue with someone. In our world today, thoughtful, respect-based, civil dialogue can be hard to find. It is precisely because of this that we need to develop these skills here on the Hilltop. Our mission statement ends by calling us to 'learn from the varying perspectives in our community and the world'. In order to do so, we must respect each other, we must listen to each other, and we must be thoughtful, empathetic and gracious in how we engage with others."

Associate Head of School Dr. Cyndy Jean concluded the ceremony by sharing a quote from Dr. Mae Jemison, an engineer, physician and former NASA astronaut who was the first African American woman to travel into space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour. "Dr. Mae Jemison said, 'Never be limited by other people's limited imagination.' I want you to know that the possibilities for what you can achieve this year are endless," Dr. Jean said. "Whether new to our Community or a returning member, your goals for yourself this year are not too big or too impossible. Use your imagination to dream, explore, and create new pathways for yourself and others."

Go Hack!