Celebrating Bill McNaugton '79 and Mike Mike Quinones

On June 6, Hackley celebrated the retirements of Bill McNaugton '79 and Mike Quinones. Bill is retiring after 34 years as the technical director in the Bridges and Zetkov Theaters and Mike has been at Hackley for 26 years as part of the Building & Grounds crew. 
Bill McNaughton ’79: After an exceptional 34-year journey at Hackley, Bill McNaughton ’79 retired in June. Bill’s life has 
been intricately connected to Hackley — he grew up on Hackley’s campus in Allen’s Alley as the son of legendary faculty members Randy and Mary Anne McNaughton, who dedicated their lives to teaching on the Hilltop. Between Bill’s parents (a combined 90 years), Bill’s 34 years and his sister Margie McNaughton Ford ’85’s 11 years in the Alumni Office as the Director of Alumni Engagement, the McNaughton family has given 135 years and counting of outstanding service to Hackley. Bill’s contribution to the Performing Arts at Hackley includes everything from house manager of Bridges and Zetkov Theaters to prop master, lighting designer, master electrician, scenic designer, scenic artist, master carpenter, sound designer, production stage manager, director and costume designer. 
Bill even directed a Middle School production of “Charlotte’s Web” and performed as Wilbur, as well as having performed as the King and the Porter in “Macbeth,” directed by John Camera ’57. Join us as we celebrate Bill’s unforgettable and enduring dedication to Hackley. 
Mike Quinones:  After 26 years on the Hilltop, Mike Quinones retired in June. Mike has been a fixture at Hackley as part of the 
Buildings & Grounds crew, a longtime resident, a Hackley parent and a dedicated friend to all. Mike is one of the guys who you see here at all hours of the day and at just about every event on the weekend, and he is always ready with a big wave and a hearty hello. For much of his career at Hackley, Mike worked during the evening shift, supervising our custodians and playing an integral part of the maintenance team. There is no better example of Mike’s role as one of Hackley’s unsung heroes than his actions on the night of August 4, 2007, when lightning struck Goodhue Hall. As Mike was out for a late-night walk on campus, he noticed the fire starting to spread from the roof and sprang into action, alerting the fire department and beginning the efforts to contain the fire and save the building. For those who were involved, this is a night that no one will forget. Join us as we celebrate Mike’s years of service to Hackley. 