Matthew Gluckman '25

I’m studying how artificial intelligence, specifically natural language processing and machine learning, can be applied to predict the outcomes of clinical trials, aiming to accelerate and economize the drug development process by identifying trials with a higher likelihood of success, thereby saving resources and improving patient outcomes.

Field of study:  Biopharmaceuticals, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology

Why did you pursue this project?

I chose this research project due to my interest in medicine, biology, computer science, statistics, and data science. This project allows me to blend these disciplines, offering a novel approach to improving clinical trial outcomes, ultimately benefiting various stakeholders in healthcare. By enhancing the prediction of trial outcomes, we can streamline the drug development process, leading to faster, more cost-effective treatments. For investors and biopharma companies, this means a more efficient allocation of resources, reduced drug development failures, quicker approvals, and higher returns on investment. Societally, optimizing resource use in drug development can free up capital for other critical areas while accelerating the availability of life-saving treatments. For patients, improved prediction in drug development translates to quicker access to therapies, reducing the physical burden of disease. Ultimately, this research aims to make the healthcare system more efficient and responsive to the needs of all stakeholders.

Tell us about yourself

My academic interests extend to the classics, particularly through an independent study examining Lucretius’ contributions to modern-day artificial intelligence. I have completed the classics curriculum at Hackley and I enjoy furthering my studies by combining my interests in science and classics in my independent study. Additionally, I play on Hackley’s varsity soccer and squash teams. I have the honor of being the squash team captain for my upcoming senior year. 

Science research related awards / publications

NYSSEF 2024 Finalist