Francesca Jones '25

Francesca has been working on an outreach project to inform different racial groups of their risk of skin cancer. To create this project she first completed a  review of previously published studies, and then compiled what she learned into an educational brochure.

Field of study: Skin Cancer

Why did you pursue this project?

I have been interested in skin cancer, since it has affected many people in my life. At first, I was looking at how potent natural ingredients with antioxidants could be used as natural restorative barriers for the skin, as I found this commonly overlooked subject fascinating. I later transitioned to a project working with mice to analyze the protein signaling pathways involved in basal cell nevus syndrome. While doing that project, I became interested in the disparities in skin cancer across racial groups, and with my lab partner, decided to create a project dedicated to spreading public awareness on the topic, as we thought it could have a large impact. I have found the varieties in presentation, and risk for developing skin cancer to be very interesting, and hopefully something to be further investigated. 

Tell us about yourself

During my free time, I enjoy going into New York City, and exploring different neighborhoods while trying new foods! I also love spending time with my dog, Cookie, and going out on walks with her at the beach. At Hackley, I have a lot of fun running an International Film Analysis Club, and also HEAL, our environmental club. I am also a trackie and fence during the winter season. 