Arjun Virk '25

I am performing an economic and environmental analysis to assess the feasibility of implementing and scaling oxyfuel carbon capture in the cement industry.

Field of study:  Carbon Capture

Why did you pursue this project?

The person that inspired me to pursue this project is my grandfather. During his time as an engineer he was responsible for developing products that had a net negative CO2 emissions. Later on in life, he became very passionate in learning about technology that could reverse the effects that he made. During the early stages of carbon capture development he told me about it, and the immense impact that it could have on our world. This is what sparked my interest and my further research into the topic. 

Tell us about yourself

I enjoy playing many different sports such as squash, tennis, and baseball. Recently I have been traveling across the country playing in different squash tournaments, I currently hold a ranking of top 100 in the country, and I was named USsquash athlete scholar. In school, my favorite subjects are math and science, and something that I have always been interested in is the intersection between business and engineering. I acquired an internship under the head engineering of a hedge fund in New York City, and that is something that hope to do in the future. 

Science research related awards / publications

3rd Place Sommers science fair - Engineering