Elan Suttiratana '26

I am studying the inequalities in the ways machine learning processes different languages. More specifically, how non-Latin languages are often mistranscribed or misunderstood by speech-to-text models.

Field of study:  Machine Learning

Why did you pursue this project?

I decided to pursue this project because I come from a multicultural and multilingual background, and I grew up hearing many different languages, like Spanish and Thai. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are often considered the future of society, and I want to contribute to making that future fairer and more equitable. I am currently working at the Computational Media Lab at UT Austin, where I am studying how OpenAI’s speech to text model Whisper misrepresents its accuracy rates for South Asian languages through audio clips from social media platforms commonly used in South Asia. 

Tell us about yourself

I’m very interested in mathematics, computer science, and foreign languages. I read a lot in my free time and at school, I am one of the leaders of the Hackley Model United Nations program. I am also on the varsity squash team. 