Callie Duggan ’23 

I am focusing on neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and autism and how treatments can improve the quality of life of children with these disorders.

Why did you pursue this project?
Hi, my name is Callie Duggan! When I’m not in school, I also enjoy playing with my dog and playing soccer for my club team, CFC. I have always been interested in science, so I took an online neuroscience course over the summer before I joined ISRP, and it brought my attention to neurodevelopmental disorders. A few of my family suffer from ADHD, and my interest in strengthening treatments arose from my witness to their struggles. I started my ISRP journey by learning about methylphenidate, a drug that helps patients manage symptoms, and then I switched my topic to transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a stimulation therapy that is still in its experimental phase as researchers investigate the best ways to target ADHD symptoms. This summer, my topic has shifted again towards a different neurodevelopmental disorder: autism. I plan on aiding my mentor in her research on Autism traits and mental health in girls and women with the fragile X premutation while also learning more about neurodevelopmental disorders and how they affect people.